How to reach a more diverse public
The terms ‘community’ and ‘public’ can mean different things to different people - as planners, it is important to recognize that in any neighbourhood, there are many publics and communities who need to be engaged with, and that residents are not the only individuals who include a site or a neighbourhood in their personal geography. Often people who work in a neighborhood, have elderly family members there, or even use services in that place can feel a deep sense of connection. Identifying the equity-deserving groups who have historically been marginalized or left out of planning decisions, mapping the power differentials that exist in a neighbourhood (e.g. between homeowners and residents of community housing), and then designing engagement processes that are catered specifically to reach these groups are all critical steps when planning any engagement process.
Communities have deep and nuanced knowledge of their neighbourhoods - be respectful of their lived experiences and local wisdom, be mindful of the language used when speaking with them, keep an open mind, and ensure that you set up channels for long-term, two-way communication.
Lessons Learned
- Identify the equity-deserving groups that reside in the neighbourhoods being affected by planning decisions
- Being on the ground speaking to people is the best way to reach diverse residents
- Ensure engagement materials are accessible for a wide audience
Shifting Influence
This tool allows you to map the levels of influence that various groups within local communities have over planning and development decisions, and to identify ways to shift some of that influence to groups who carry less power within their neighbourhoods.
Mapping and Goal Setting
This tool offers a series of questions for: identifying the equity-deserving groups and vulnerable communities to engage, considering the barriers these residents face, outlining tactics/strategies for reducing these barriers, and for considering how you set goals and monitor success.
Related Case Study
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For City of Toronto staff
- 211 Toronto list of community organizations
- Design - Planning effective consultation (PDF)
- Targeting - Selecting your audiences (PDF)
- Consulting with people we find hard to reach
- Surveying Hard-to-reach Residents (PDF)
- Updated Survey Question Bank of pre-approved demographic and service questions and links to the City’s Data for Equity Strategy
* Note: Links below can only be accessed through the City of Toronto’s intranet.
For Public
- Stakeholder identification and concepts of the ‘public’ – Public Participation Strategy and Toolkit, County of Grande Prairie – P31-33
- Designing tools based on various characteristics of stakeholders and groups of the ‘public’ – Inclusive Community Engagement Playbook, C40 Cities – P74
- Sampling of representatives of various groups in engagement activities – Inclusive Community Engagement Playbook, C40 Cities – P44
- Social network analysis – mapping stakeholder networks – Inclusive Community Engagement Playbook, C40 Cities – P57-58
- Engaging with specific groups – Community Engagement Toolkit for Planning, Queensland Government – P48-60
- Selecting community engagement tools – Community Engagement Toolkit for Planning, Queensland Government – P30-47
- Stakeholder understanding checklist – Community Engagement Toolkit for Planning, Queensland Government – P19
- Outreach method inventory – Community Engagement Toolkit for Planning, Queensland Government – P33-43
- Understanding the dimensions of diversity – Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit, Toronto Transit Commission – P3-6
- Identifying social inquities – Zoning ByLaw Renewal Initiative, GBA+ and Equity Toolkit,
Edmonton – P9 - Inclusive Community Engagement Matrix – Inclusive Community Engagement Toolkit, Capire Consulting Group – P10-15